Cold Compression Therapy For Horses And Its Benefits

Cryotherapy or, cold therapy is one of the most efficient ways for relieving soft tissue-related pains and aches of hard working equines.

It's been proven treatment in horses as well as in humans. If you’d want to try practising cold compression therapy on your horse, you can begin it today.

Cold compression therapy is useful to give ease to muscle spasms, decrease bruising, and ease nerve ends, promote fast and powerful healing for different muscles, and ligament injuries. This novel treatment is available for you in various different ways, each one is created to satisfy a variety of conditions through individual first aid to do at home.


The acronym of Rest is Ice, Compression, Elevation. RICE is a popular mnemonic that is being practised to students for learning the first aid basics for healing soft tissue damage. Traditionally, this proposal would be helped by boosting the wounded area, usually, a limb, placing a cold compact on the wound, and wrapping it in an athletic dressing. Cold compression therapy uses this method to the next level by combining cold and compression is a great process that actively brings away edema and excites fresh blood flow to soothe the pain and encourage healing.

Benefits Of Cold Compression Therapy

Experts admit that if we merge cold therapy with compression remedy, it grows as the most suitable treatment for an injury, musculoskeletal pain & soreness. The advantages of cold compression therapy are listed below:

  • Reduced swelling & inflammation
  • Relief from pain
  • Slowing down or stopped bleeding
  • Preventing bruising


Now, if you are looking to buy some cold compression therapy equine devices, you can visit our website (America Cryo) & explore various available therapeutic devices for yourself as well as for your pony.


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