Equine Care Tips and Tricks

Owning a horse is a big responsibility. You need to make sure about each & every requirement of the horse for his boarding & caring. Also, you should be knowledgeable about every detail of keeping a horse. However, along with a big responsibility, owning & caring for a horse is great fun.

According to the National Pet Owner Survey of 2019-2020 in the U.S, 1.6 million people own horses as pets. But, how to take care of the physical & mental health of your horse? Once you know about these things, you will become a responsible horse owner. Therefore, one of the best ways is to be a trainee of an experienced horse person. Also, we have listed some basic care tips for your horse.

Equine Care Tips


Good fresh grass is the most important nutrient for horses. But, if it is not available then hay is a beneficial source of nutrition for the pony. Always try to buy soft, leafy & green hay, & avoid using excessively sun-bleached & dusty hay for your horse. A salt lick should always be there in the paddock.


Supplement Feed

For a shiny coat of your horse, the diet always contains enough omega 3. Also, a regular working horse needs a supplementary feed. For a suitable supplement feed of your horse, consult the veterinarian. 


Grooming is also one of the essential components that contribute to horse care. It is not just brushing. However, it needs care, attention & knowledge. An everyday quick grooming session increases the blood circulation of your horse. You can check various therapeutic devices & equine therapy devices at America Cryo.


This is the most important part of anybody whether a human being or an animal. Everybody needs a companion & it contributes towards good mental health. The horse is a herd animal & needs a companion like another horse, sheep, goat, donkey, etc. 


Fresh clean water should always be present for the horses as dehydration can result in an unhealthy horse & can be the reason for the death of your horse. Also, unhygienic water can make your pony sick. To keep the water clean, try to add some apple vinegar.


For the overall health of a horse, daily exercise is a must. It boosts stamina, improves the heart & lungs functioning with maintaining proper bone, etc. 

Therefore, these are some basic yet valuable tips with the help of which you can make your horse happier & healthier. Have a nice ride! 


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